How Much Does It Cost to File for a Divorce in the State of Colorado?

Colorado Legal Group

When contemplating the financial aspect of divorce in Colorado , it’s natural to wonder about the associated costs. Understanding the breakdown of expenses involved in initiating legal proceedings can provide clarity and help individuals make informed decisions.

Filing Fees For Domestic Relations

The initial step in filing for divorce or initiating a custody case involves submitting a petition to the court. In Colorado, the cost of filing a petition for dissolution of marriage is $230.00. For cases involving the allocation of parental rights, such as custody disputes between unmarried parties, the filing fee is slightly lower, at $222.00. These fees cover the administrative costs associated with processing the initial paperwork and officially initiating the legal proceedings.

Answer Filing Fee For Divorce in Colorado

Once a petition has been filed, the respondent typically needs to file an answer to the petition. This step ensures that both parties have officially entered the legal process and have the opportunity to respond to the claims made in the petition. In Colorado, the filing fee for an answer to the petition is $116.00. This fee contributes to the administrative expenses incurred by the court in processing the respondent’s response.

Service of Process

In addition to filing fees, parties involved in a divorce or custody case must ensure that the petition is served on the other party in compliance with legal requirements. This process, known as service of process, involves delivering the petition to the respondent in a manner consistent with Colorado’s rules of civil procedure. While service can be accomplished through various methods, including personal delivery or certified mail, it often incurs additional costs. On average, the cost of personal service ranges between $50.00 and $70.00, depending on the method chosen and the location of the respondent.

Co-Petition Option: Filing For Divorce in Colorado

It’s worth noting that parties involved in a divorce in Colorado have the option of filing a co-petition, which differs from the traditional petition and response model. In a co-petition, both parties jointly file the initial paperwork, thereby avoiding the need for the respondent to file a separate answer. This approach not only streamlines the process but also eliminates the associated filing fees for the respondent. Additionally, co-petitioning may offer a more cooperative and amicable alternative to traditional divorce proceedings, as it demonstrates a shared commitment to resolving issues collaboratively.

Understanding the costs involved in filing for divorce or initiating a custody case in Colorado is an essential aspect of the decision-making process. By familiarizing themselves with the breakdown of fees and expenses, individuals can better prepare financially for the legal proceedings ahead. Additionally, exploring alternative options, such as co-petitioning, may offer a more cost-effective and efficient path to resolution. Ultimately, seeking guidance from a knowledgeable divorce attorney can provide invaluable support and assistance in navigating the complexities of divorce or custody proceedings while minimizing financial strain.

What To Do Once You’ve Filed

After filing for divorce, there are several important steps you should take to protect your interests and navigate the process effectively:

Consult with an Attorney : Consider seeking legal advice from a qualified family law attorney who can guide you through the divorce process, explain your rights, and help you understand your options. Our team of divorce attorneys at Colorado Legal Group is ready to handle your case with expert care and guidance.

Gather Financial Documents : Start gathering important financial documents that will be necessary for property division and financial disclosures during the divorce process. Here is a list of documents to consider when preparing for your divorce in Colorado: