Annual Report Instructions
The 6- or 12-digit number assigned to your entity when the business entity was filed or registered with the Division of Corporations.
Entity Name
The official/legal name of your business on our records.
- The annual report does not allow you to change the name of your business.
- To change the name, download and complete the appropriate amendment form.
- Mail the completed form with payment to the Division of Corporations.
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
The 9-digit number the Internal Revenue Service assigned to the business for federal tax identification purposes.
- Enter your FEIN in the space provided, if not already listed. Do not enter a Social Security Number.
- If “Applied For” is marked already: You previously reported that you applied for an FEIN and must enter the number to proceed.
- Contact the IRS at 1.800.829.4933 for additional information.
Principal Place of Business Address
The street address of the entity’s principal office.
Mailing Address
The entity’s mailing address, if different from the principal address. (P.O. Box is acceptable.)
Registered Agent Name, Address, and Signature
The registered agent is the individual or legal entity designated to accept service of process on behalf of the business.
- A business entity cannot serve as its own registered agent.
- However, an individual or principal associated with the business may serve as the registered agent.
- The registered agent must have a physical street address in Florida. Do not list a P.O. Box address.
- If designating a new registered agent, the new registered agent must sign the report, confirming the Agent’s familiarity with the Florida Statutes and accepting the obligations of this designation.