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There is a consensus among researchers that information systems brought and continue to bring a fourth revolution in organisations around the world. These systems made an immense contribution by incorporating various functions into one system, thus enhancing the capabilities of organisations with minimum work effort. Correctional facilities have also made the break to add information systems in prisons for better decision-making. This study utilised literature review to critically examine the use of information systems within the correctional facilities in African countries with a view to determine how the resultant records from the system are managed. Findings reveals that information systems used in prisons have simplified the flow of information and the records management functions in correctional facilities in some African countries. However, the majority of correctional facilities in countries such as South Africa are still using the traditional method of records management mos.

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ABSTRACT Prisoners’ management in Nigeria has long been a neglected area and has only recently been included in the 20-20 vision document under the e-governance. Currently, prisoner’s records are maintained in a very rudimentary way in the form of manual files and registers. This method of data management often results in human error, delay to retrieve information etc. Thus, An Online Prison Management System was designed and implemented to manage prisoner’s records for the Nigerian prison service Enugu command. This project was done using basic html for visible web contents, php for server scripting and MySQL database was used to store and manage the prisoner’s records. Tools used to achieve this Project includes Dreamweaver CS5 html editor,CSS3 for styling, JavaScript, php wamp5 server and MySQL. The project was implemented successfully and the result obtained provides a single management system which integrates all the information about a prisoner in a single profile and can easily be accessed which improved the overall efficiency of prison management.

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Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing

The research implemented an online prison information management system. In this study, it was found that the existing prison system has no centralized reference database for effective administrative functions. The manual jail organization has been tormented by ills of a customary managerial and the board structure. These included human errors in administering records and registration of prison inmates, hurdles in compilation and analysis of data due to lack of data and information integrity. The new system was developed using MySQL, php, HTML 5, and Java script and on top of that non-linear least square regression power model was developed to forecast the trends and frequencies of events in the custodial centres to enhance decision making by relevant authorities. Furthermore, structured query language was used to developed database functions such as creating a dynamic table, backup, and recovery, or even grant or revoke a system and object privilege using the system interfaces. It also designed an in-out register to keep track of all prisoners and others who move in and out for various reasons and include provisions for recording the prisoners sent to courts for hearing. The framework has numerous noteworthy strengths, for example, low-remaining burden, incredible amount of information transmission, high-veracity, and low-costs. At long last, the created model for gauge gave helpful data on the pattern, development and frequencies of wrongdoing dependent on the all-out conceded jail prisoners as extended to an absolute number of 141,128 across the country. This study had provided valuable material and a guide in implementing a custodial information management system in River State. It is a useful prototype for developing other African Countries Custodian system with little modifications.

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Currently in the Kenya prisons department there is no defined way of checking the rate of recidivism among the prison inmates population. The officers rely only on manual tallying of prisoners during admission which is not efficient. With the increase use of computerized systems in the department there is need to implement those that can help in rehabilitation and reformation. In this research Artificial intelligent techniques that is decision tree, neural networks and bayesnets are used to check on the rate of recidivism in the inmate’s population. This is illustrated by the development of the Recidivism Prediction System (RPS) prototype, using the WEKA tool and the python GUI application, which play a major role in risk assessment of the inmates by checking their rate of recidivism. Currently congestion in the prisons institutions is a major challenge to the management, since the resources provided doesn’t match up the need on the ground. Using the RPS prototype the department man.

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A research project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Human Rights of the University of Nairobi 2014

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West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research

The development in technology has brought about using computer system to solve practical problems in various fields of work. This advancement leads to automation of system processes. This paper studied the manual processing of Prisoners Information in Yola Prison of Adamawa state, with a view to developing an “Automated Prison Information System”. This system is expected tol provide an easier way of computing prisoner’s information, reliable storage of data, easy access and retrieval of information to authorized users, and also to provide high security for prisoners’ record. The software has features for adequate registration of prisoners both on the day of jail and discharge. In addition, there is provision to search and view reports of both current and discharged prisoners. In comparison to the current system, the prison inmate information system is more secure, flexible, provides more user feedback, reduces the workload, prevents erroneous data and provides more functionality. Ke.

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This research was carried out to investigate the “Availability,Accessibility and Utilization of Information Resources and Services to Prison Inmates in North Central States of Nigeria”. To achieve the objectives of the study, five research questions were formulated and answered. Survey method was adopted for the study while a structured questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Two hundred and twenty nine (229) were used as sample size for the study from a population of two thousand two hundred and eighty eight (2288). Data collected were analyzed descriptively. The respondents were asked questions on the information resources and services in prisons, access to information resources and services, utilization of information resources and services, satisfaction with information resources and services and information needs of inmates.The data were presented in frequency tables and percentages. The findings revealed that the information resources and services were made available to inmates. It was discovered that books, newspapers and dictionaries (84.3%, 67.0%, 61.4 %,) respectively were the most available information resources. Furthermore the available information services were exhibition and display, lending services and library orientation/user education (45.9%, 47.0%, 42.2%) respectively. However, the study revealed that not all of these resources and services were fully utilized by inmates. The study also revealed that inmates all have information needs which are to be met through the provision of information resources. The study concluded that the Nigerian prisons are more of custodians than rehabilitation and reformation because majority of the inmates were not satisfied with the information resources and services due to the inadequate attention given to library services. One of the main recommendations made by the study is that there is a need to make information resources and services available and accessible to prison inmates to enhance rehabilitation and reformation, which is the main objective for establishing libraries in prisons.

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